I love looking for new kitchen gadgets and tools! This month, I had a lot of fun shopping for neat gift ideas for my Holiday Edition Kitchen Favorites video.
This month's favorites features 10 products, some small enough for stocking suffers and some already boxed for gifting. If you haven't watched the video yet, check it out here. |
Giveaway Closed:
Congratulations to Nicole Nguyen! I'll be giving away the super cute Silpat Macaron Kit. It comes with everything you need to make your own macarons at home:
1. Subscribe. You must be a subscriber to my YouTube Channel: Angel Wong's Kitchen
If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do so here (it's free to subscribe).
2. Post in my Holiday Edition Kitchen Favorites video comments section:
What's your Favorite Item from the video?
3. Post in the blog comments below:
(a) What's one kitchen item/product you'd love to get for Christmas this year?
It can be any product - it doesn't need to be from my videos.
- AND -
(b) Your YouTube username (the same one you used to post in the video comments)